Tamil Bible for OpenLP

Click this link Zefania_TamilBible_OpenLP and the download page will open in a new tab.

In the download page click the “Download” button and save the file in your Computer. RAR file size is appx. 1.5MB.

This is a compressed file. So, first uncompress using Winzip or Winrar and save the resulting uncompressed XML file in your computer. XML File size is approx. 13MB.

To make this Bible available in OpenLP this has to be imported to OpenLP.

Import Bible in OpenLP:

In “OpenLP” go to Media Manager Section (Library), select “Bibles” and then click “Import a Bible” icon in the top row. Alternatively you can use the menu “File -> Import -> Bible”.

A “Bible import wizard” window will open.

In the “format” select “Zefania” and in the “Bible file” select the location of the “XML Bible file to be imported” and click “next”.

The wizard will start import and may ask for confirmation of book names in English. Provide confirmation one by one. Wait till a 100% import complete message appears.

Now this OpenLP Bible will be available in the “Media Manager => Bibles” tab.

Numerical Index for Tamil Bible books in OpenLP

In OpenLP, by default the Bible book names appear in English. While displaying Bible verses in Tamil also the book names are displayed in English in the footer. However, it is possible to display book names in Tamil.

Go to the “Bibles” tab and in “Version” select the “Tamil Bible”. To edit the bible books click the notepad symbol. A Bible editor window opens. Go to “Custom Book Names” tab and enter the book names in Tamil in the correct order and click “Save”. Now the book names will be displayed in Tamil.

There are live situations when the operator has to bring up the relevant Bible verse as and when pronounced by the preacher. The operator has to key in the first alphabet in the “Quick” tab “Find” text box, which will list the available book names. Various methods are given below.

Method 1: With English book names (default) the operator should be able to quickly recall the book names for the corresponding Tamil book names. Ex: Psalms for சங்கீதம்

Method 2: With Tamil Book names (custom) the operator should be able to quickly recall the Tamil keyboard layout. EX: ச for சங்கீதம்

Method 3: With Numerical Index (custom) the operator should be able to quickly recall the order of the book as in the BSI – Tamil Bible – O.V. (From 01, 02 … to 66). Ex: 19 for சங்கீதம்

Choose the appropriate method according to the skill sets of the operator.

Method 4: With Page Number (custom) the first two digits are the book number, all remaining digits are the page number of the beginning of that book (not the chapter displayed). Ex: 190671 – சங்கீதம்.

Download the text file having the “Numerical Index for Bible Books” and use it as desired.