In the past, sharing of Tamil content for computers had difficulties due to in-compatible fonts. Now sharing is easier due to Unicode native support in latest Windows OS and Smartphones. The lyrics files available here are Unicode based.
Lyrics projection using Computer and Projector:
One of the free and reliable presentation software used for projection of church lyrics and Bible verses is “OpenLP”. This requires a computer with Windows 7 or later OS. The lyrics are stored in “xml” format and needs to be imported in “OpenLP”. A collection of lyrics files suitable for “OpenLP” are available in the menu “Download –> Tamil Lyrics”. Go to “Download” page.
Display of Lyrics using Projector or TV only (without computer):
Latest large screen TV and Projectors has built in USB port. Memory devices having the lyrics files in “jpg” format are plugged in directly to the display device and the lyrics are displayed using the remote control unit of the TV or Projector. A collection of lyrics files suitable for “Direct Projection” are available at the menu “Download –> Tamil Lyrics”. Go to “Download” page.
Mobile screen Display of Lyrics using Smartphones:
Most of the Smartphones have internet browsers with Unicode support. These browsers can display “txt” files having Tamil language content. A collection of lyrics files suitable for “Smartphones” are available in the menu “Download –> Tamil Lyrics”. Go to “Download” page.